Professional mission - What am I looking for? - Work experience - Education - Skills - Projects - Motivation - About me

Erwin Rudi


Hi, I’m Erwin!

I’m a techie, a lover of the digital world and businesses👨‍💻 By heart I’m a very warm and loving person with a technical and scientific background. I have a natural passion for learning and exploring the world in all its facades. My favorite interests are:

I’m also a chess winner, a sports player, and a dreamer ✨

Machine Learning Engineer @ Alexander Thamm GmbH

Data | Machine Learning | Engineering

LinkedIn | Github

T +49 15730777128

E [email protected]

A Berlin, Germany

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Professional mission

I’m an Machine Learning engineer focusing on Deep Learning with a solid software engineering foundation. I engineer, build models, and create production software to bring businesses forward.

I’ve been programming with Python for 5 years and gathered 3 years of experience in the Data and ML domain, with additional expertise in AWS, Azure and Web Development. After graduating in physics, I’ve worked for a data and AI consultancy for 2 years, where I gained valuable experience in Deep Learning, Data Engineering, Cloud, and production systems.

As a data person I understand that my work is seldom the core business and I’ve learned that communication with stake holders is the key. It’s crucial to seek use cases that actually add value and I really enjoy doing that. With new advances in the AI domain I’m super excited to create automations to relieve people from tedious tasks so that they can focus on being more human.

Work experience

Alexander Thamm

(Data and AI consultancy)

Berlin, Germany

<aside> ⚙ Machine Learning Engineer / Data Engineer


Customer Projects

(click triangle to expand)

Jun 2022 - today

2 years, full-time